It's hard to believe that there are actually 45 people out in the world, most of whom I have never met, that read my blog, not to mention the countless others that find themselves here from (according to my stats) ALL OVER THE WORLD. It boggles the mind, I tell you. What would really excite me, however, would be 50 followers. It would, as is said, make my day, but not in the Clint Eastwood way, in the jump around with glee kind of way. In fact, I have a little basket on the dresser in my bedroom/studio (ha, really, I sleep there every, single night -- it's my bedroom, but, I create my beads, jewelry and cards in the same space) that I have been adding little somethings to for weeks, just waiting for that day to come. I really want to give these little pressies away, so, if you're reading this, become a follower, make my day, and leave me a comment. I will leave this open until July 15 (a day that I am looking forward to for oh so many reasons: Harry Potter 7.2, my first paycheck that includes my newly improved pay rate and I am going to see my lovely niece that I haven't seen for 6 months) at which time I will randomly pick a winner from my (hopefully 50) followers to send the gifties to. Thank you all so much for being my bloggie friends, it makes my day!